July 19, 2018 - What's New in this Release of the Knowledge Base?

Sonnet Suite

Updated the app note Modeling a Metal Plating Finishing Process for the use of rough metal.

June 15, 2018

Added the known bug: Gerber Translator does not run due to incorrect side by side configuration

January 12, 2018

Added the app note: Modeling a Plated Metal Finishing Process

May 4, 2017

This release of the Knowledge base is identical to the Help delivered for version 16.54 with the following changes:

Added the known bug: FlexNet License manager does not run on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and Desktop without adding libraries

Added the known bug: "All Lossless Metal" in the translation options does not work in some of the Sonnet Interfaces

Updated the known bug GUI Interface or 3D View are not displayed properly on RHEL 7.2 or later with a new workaround.

March 22, 2017

Added the known bug: Anti-virus software detects a threat in the Sonnet installation folder.

October 26, 2016

Added the known bug GUI Interface or 3D View are not displayed properly on RHEL 7.2 or later.

February 1, 2016

This release of the knowledge base included the following changes:

Updated Dielectric Setup dialog box topic to include variable for conductivity.

Updated Substrate File Setup dialog box topic to include a link to the Sonnet Substrate File Format document

The following Known Bugs were added:

Sonnet Programs using a User Model Component Crash on Linux Platforms

Wrong Value Specified to Define Loss for a Via Metal in the Keysight Agilent Interface

Segmentation Fault Occurs When Translating Using the Cadence Virtuoso Interface

Loading a State in the Keysight ADS Interface Enables Disabled Frequency Sweeps

Missing DLL When Using the Keysight ADS Interface with ADS2009

NI AWR Microwave Office Interface Manual Fails to Open

December 2, 2015

This release of the Knowledge base is identical to the Help delivered for version 16.52 with the following changes:

New Topic: Admin => User Model Configuration.

The Tools => Add Component => User Model topic was updated to include the Admin => User Model Configuration command.