Missing DLL When Using the Keysight ADS Interface with ADS2009

Known Bugs


When using the Keysight ADS Interface in versions 15.52 or above of Sonnet with ADS2009, running a simulation with em fails and an error message similar to that shown below is issued:

  libgcc_s.so.1: version ‘GCC_4.2.0’ not found


On some platforms, an environment variable is changed by Keysight ADS causing the software to select the wrong DLL.


There is an entry supplied in the Sonnet Initialization file for version 16.52 and above, sonnet.ini, which, when enabled, changes the path so that the correct DLL is selected. You need to edit the Sonnet Initialization file to turn on this entry.

The entry is shown below. When you locate the entry, remove the ";" as the first character, then save the file. You need to close all Sonnet applications and restart Sonnet for the change to take effect.

Note that if you are using version 15.xx of Sonnet, you will need to add the command below to the sonnet.ini file in the [Sonnet] section. The delivered file does not contain this entry. You need to remove the first ";" as this indicates a comment and the command is not used unless it is removed.

    ;Prepend_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib64         ; Prepend current LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting with path specified here

                                                                   ; just prior to launch of each Sonnet executable. This control

                                                                   ; is useful when Sonnet programs are launched from framework

                                                                   ; tools such as ADS2009 U1.

KBref - #TT10069