GUI Interfaces or 3D view are not displayed properly on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 or later

Known Bugs


When attempting to run Sonnet on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.2 or later, the interfaces are not displayed correctly or the 3D view in the project editor does not display the circuit.


Sonnet Suites are delivered with set of compatibility libraries to ensure the GUI application will display on an "out of the box" linux configuration using the standard Nouveau VGA software driver. If the nouveau driver has been disabled and proprietary display drivers have been installed on the system where the Sonnet GUI applications are displayed the sonnet.ini file will need to be updated to include the location of the OpenGL driver.


Edit the sonnet.ini file by selecting Admin => Diagnostics => Edit Sonnet.ini File from the main menu of the Sonnet task bar.

Add the path to the NVIDIA  367.57 OpenGL driver to the [Sonnet] section of the sonnet.ini file::
