Modelithics® COMPLETE Library™

The Modelithics® COMPLETE Library for Sonnet© Suites™ brings advanced design capability and increased accuracy to lumped element high frequency electronic design within Sonnet Suites. Modelithics models are highly scalable, taking into account important design considerations that feature substrate scalability and accurate simulation of parasitic effects based on the substrate properties. The ability to achieve first pass design success is significantly increased when Modelithics models are used in combination with Sonnet electromagnetic circuit simulation software.
View the Modelithics COMPLETE Library datasheet.
Library Features
The Modelithics COMPLETE Library for Sonnet Suites represents thousands of commercially-available components from many popular vendors. The installed library makes these models available in Sonnet as new "User Model" circuit element components.
Valuable features of Modelithics models include:
- Measurement-Based - Each model is developed using multiple specialized measurements under device-specific test conditions.
- Scalable - Part-value, substrate, and pad size scalability are incorporated into most CLR models. Substrate and pad dimensions increasingly affect circuit response at higher frequencies, so specification of these parameters is essential.
- Advanced Pad Treatment Options - Special simulation modes are available to specify how pads are incorporated into the simulation.
- Well-Documented - Each model contains a model datasheet that lists recommended model validity parameters, measurement and test fixture details, and model-to-measurement data comparisons.
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Sonnet is a proud reseller of the Modelithics COMPLETE Library for Sonnet Suites. To learn more, contact your Sonnet Account Manager or request more information.
Modelithics® and the Modelithics logo are registered trademarks of Modelithics, Inc.