Co-Calibrated™ Internal Ports
Co-calibrated™ Ports and Calibration Groups
Co-Calibrated Internal Ports introduce perfectly calibrated connections on the interior of circuitry so that models may be connected in your favorite frequency or time domain circuit simulator. For instance, Co-Calibrated Ports might be used for calibrated internal connections for later attachment of a sophisticated non-linear transistor model in an electrical circuit simulation. The co-calibrated ports are associated with a calibration group. All of the ports in a calibration group share a common ground and are de-embedded simultaneously during the analysis to remove all cross-coupling them—even if they are very closely spaced. There is no limitation on how many ports may be in a calibration group.

Co-calibrated™ Port Auto-grouping
Co-calibrated Port Auto-grouping relieves the designer of manual work by giving the solver intelligence to group ports automatically and accurately at run-time. Just set your Co-calibrated internal port group settings to “Auto” and let the solver worry about grouping.
Multi-level Co-calibrated™ Ports and Components
V15 extends the capability of internal Co-Calibrated Ports and Components by giving you the ability to fully de-embed them on different metal levels. This allows you to apply them in tight, multilayer layouts where vertically stacked Co-Calibrated Ports or Components are required. Typical applications include port connections for transistor devices or MIM/MOM capacitors.
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