Viewing Antenna Patterns
Easily View Far Field Antenna Patterns
Sonnet computes and displays the far-field radiation of planar radiating structures (such as patch antennas).
With Sonnet, you can examine single-layer and multi-layer planar antennas. In addition, you can consider multi-feed systems, with full control on port loads and excitations (magnitude/phase).
New 3D View from the Pattern tab main menu generates a 3D antenna pattern of your project at your first calculated frequency. If you have more than one project in your Cartesian plot, then the first project is used.
Output displays:
- Cartesian plots
- Polar plots
- 3D wire-frame surface plots
- Linear (theta/phi)
- Circular (RHP/LHP)
- Ludwig's Third Definition (user-selectable reference angle)
Below are some sample plots of a microstrip patch antenna array created using Sonnet:

Sonnet V18 3D Antenna Pattern

2D plot of the same antenna