Sonnet Suites - Diagonal Ports and Components
Diagonal Ports and Components
- EM Ports may have any orientation
- Supports SMD and internal Components that are mounted at oblique angles
Diagonal Ports

Diagonal Internal and Edge ports provide freedom to analyze your circuit geometry without compromise
Edge ports and internal ports may now be modeled at any orientation or direction. Co-cal Ports with rotated orientation may also be combined in calibration groups, provided they fall on a rotated rectangular outline.
Diagonal ports may have arbitrary reference planes, enabling an arbitrary line length to be de-embedded from the result, corresponding to transmission line properties connected to the port.
Diagonal ports set you free to simulate your exact geometry, without making compromises with the simulation grid to force ports to align with the X- or Y-directions.
Rotated Components
Components in Sonnet are used to model ideal lumped elements (R, L, C), incorporate vendor models for multi-pin surface mount devices (SMDs), or to provide access ports for later connection of an SMD model in an electrical simulation.

Components, component ports and standard ports may be used at any angle and orientation