Output - Inductor Model File

Response Viewer - Output Menu - Inductor Model File dialog box

NOTE: The Inductor Model Extractor (IME) feature is only available if you have purchased a Broadband Spice Extractor license from Sonnet. Please see your system administrator if you are unsure of the availability of this feature.

When you select Output => Inductor Model File from the response viewer main menu, the Inductor Model File dialog box is opened. This dialog box allows you to specify the parameters to be used in generating the Inductor model for the analysis results of the presently displayed project; the parameters are discussed in detail below.

Topology: There are two topologies available, the Untapped Topology and the Center Tapped Topology. Select which topology you wish to use from this drop list.

Format: The output data may be formatted in the PSpice, Spectre or Sonnet netlist format. Select the desired format from this drop list.

Data Type: This allows you to select de-embedded or non-de-embedded data. We recommend that you always use de-embedded data. For a discussion of de-embedding, see the "De-embedding" chapter in the Sonnet User's Guide.

Optimization Band: This section of the dialog box only appears if Center Tapped is selected as the Topology. Enter the frequency band over which you wish to optimize your inductor model here by entering the starting frequency of the band in the Start Text Entry box and the ending frequency in the Stop text entry box. If you wish the software to automatically calculate the optimization band, select the Auto checkbox. If this checkbox is selected, then both of the frequency text entry boxes are disabled and the values used are plus and minus 10% of the frequency where the maximum Q occurs.

Model File Name: An automatically generated filename appears in this entry box. For Spectre and PSpice, the filename is your project basename with the appropriate extension. For a Sonnet netlist, the automatically generated filename is your project basename with "IMEnet.son" added. You may use the name which appears or enter another filename in this text entry box. You may specify an absolute or relative path. If no path is specified, the software writes the output file to the same directory in which your source project is saved.

Remember settings checkbox: Turn this on if you wish to retain the values entered above for the next time the dialog box is opened.  

Factory Defaults: Click on this button to change all the settings in this dialog box to the defaults used upon installation of the software.

Advanced: Click on this button to access the Advanced Inductor Model Extractor (IME) Options dialog box which allows you to specify additional run options.

Extract: Once you have completed entering the desired parameters, click on the Extract button to create the Inductor Model output file. Once the extraction is complete, the Schematic window appears on your display with the model schematic displaying the calculated values.

Schematic: The Schematic window is automatically opened upon completion of an extraction. If you close the schematic window, then clicking on this button re-opens it. This button is disabled if you have not yet executed the extraction.