Equation - Manage Equations

Response Viewer - Equation Menu

Selecting Equation => Manage Equations opens the Equation Management dialog box which allows you to view the Sonnet provided equations, add new equations, edit existing equations and specify an equation file to be used with the response viewer.

NOTE:      If you define an equation for which the result is complex, and you plot that equation, the response viewer plots only the real part of that equation.

Equation: This is a list of the equations available in the present session of the response viewer. Sonnet provides a set of pre-defined equations: nductance1, Inductance2, Inductance 3, Capacitance1, Capacitance2, Capacitance 3, Resistance1, Resistance2, Resistance3, Q Factor, Q Factor3, Phase Difference, dB Difference, Group Delay and Directivity., which are always available in any session of the response viewer. Any equations that you have previously defined and saved in an equation file may be loaded into the present session of the response viewer. Click on an equation in the list to select it. These are also the equations available to specify an equation curve.

New: Click on this button to open the Add Equation dialog box which allows you to define a new equation. Once you complete defining the equation, it appears in the Equation list to the left. If you wish to retain this equation for the next time you use the response viewer, you must perform a Save on the equation file.

Copy: Click on this button to open the Add Equation dialog box to make a copy of the selected equation. You may make a copy of any existing equation including those provided with your software. The dialog box displays all the fields of the equation you are copying and allows you to make changes to the equation before saving it. A default name is provided; you may change the Equation name in the Add Equation dialog box.

View: This button only appears when a Sonnet provided equation is selected in the equation list. Click on this button to open the View Equation dialog box which allows you to view all the fields entered for this equation but does not allow you to modify them. If you wish to modify an equation supplied by Sonnet, use the Copy button and save the equation under a different name.

Edit: This button only appears when a user defined equation is selected in the equation list. Click on this button to open the Edit Equation dialog box to edit a user defined equation. If you wish to retain these changes for subsequent use in the response viewer, you must perform a Save on the equation file.

Delete: Click on this button to delete the equation presently selected in the equation list. You are not permitted to delete any of the Sonnet provided equations; if a Sonnet provided equation is selected, this button is disabled.

User Equation File

This section of the dialog box allows you to control equation files which contain the equations that you have defined. The set of equations available from Sonnet is always available and may be copied and used as templates for your own equations. You create an equation file by clicking on the Save button. All equations generated by a user and presently loaded in this session of the response viewer will be saved in the specified equation file. You may create multiple equation files.

Open: Click on this button to load an equation file. A browse window is opened which allows you to select an equation file on your computer. Once the file is opened, the equations contained in the file are displayed in the equation list in this dialog box replacing any equations, aside from the Sonnet equations, on display from the previous equation file. If you wish to retain the present set of equations and add equations from another equation file, use the Add button.

Add: Click on this button to open an equation file and add its contents to the present session of the response viewer while retaining any equations previously loaded from another equation file. A browse window appears which you use to select the equation file you wish to add. If there are duplicate names in the equations being loaded and those already available, the extension of ''_2'' is added to the equation name from the file you are adding.

Save: Clicking on this button saves all the user generated equations in the present session to the presently selected equation file. This should be done after adding new equations, editing existing equations, copying equations or adding an equation file if you wish to retain the changes made in this session for future sessions of the response viewer.

Filename Text Entry box: The name of your presently selected equation file appears here when you open the dialog box. If you use the Open button to open a new equation file, this entry is updated. You may edit this entry directly or click on the Browse button to open a browse window which allows you to select an equation file on your computer.

Note      If you edit this entry or use the Browse button to change the name, the equation file is only loaded the next time the response viewer is invoked when the Load this file on startup checkbox is selected. If you wish to change the equation file for the present response viewer session, click on the Open button.