Metal - Interdigital Cap

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Tool Bar button: 

To add a interdigital capacitor from the palette of standard geometries, select Tools - Metal - InterdigitalCap. The InterdigitalCap Properties dialog box appears on your display.


Enter the values for the parameters in the corresponding text entry boxes.



Finger Width

The thickness of the finger.

Finger Spacing

The space in between fingers.


The length of the finger from the open end of one finger to the open end of the adjacent finger. The Finger Length = Overlap + End Gap.

End Gap

The distance between the terminal and the finger.

Number of Finger Pairs

Number of finger pairs present in the capacitor. The example above has 4 finger pairs.

Terminal Width

The width of the terminal which is measured from the outer edge of the capacitor to the beginning of the End Gap. There is a terminal on both sides of the capacitor.