Circuit => Metal types

Project Editor Menu - Circuit Menu - Metal Types dialog box

Stackup Manager

You select Circuit => Metal Types to open the Metal Types dialog box which allows you to define the characteristics of both planar and via metals for use in your circuit. A list of presently defined metals for your project appears in this dialog box. All geometry projects initially contain the metal type, Lossless, whose bulk conductivity is infinite ( INF). You may not edit this metal type. This dialog box may also be opened by selected "Metal Types" from the main pop-up menu in the Stackup Manager.

If your project was created with version 12 or older you may not have all via metals you need after conversion. If that’s the case you can create the needed metal types using this dialog box.

Default Metal for New Planar: Select the metal you wish to use for all new polygons in your circuit. This does not change the metal used for any existing polygons, but any metalization added to your circuit after this will use the selected metal. The default planar metal used for new projects is Lossless.

Default Metal for New Via: Select the metal you wish to use for all new vias in your circuit. This does not change the metal used for any existing vias, but any vias added to your circuit after this will use the selected metal. The default via metal used for new projects is lossless.

Add Planar: Click on this button to open the Planar Metal Editor dialog box which allows you to define a new planar metal type or add an existing defined metal from a metal library to your project.

Add Via: Click on this button to open the Via Metal Editor dialog box which allows you to define a new via metal type or add an existing defined via metal from a metal library to your project.

Edit: Click on this button to edit the selected metal in the metal list to the left. If the metal is a planar metal, the Planar Metal Editor dialog box is opened displaying the present values of the metal. If the metal is a via metal, the Via Metal Editor dialog box is opened displaying the present values of the metal. In either case, you may edit the name and properties of the metal in this dialog box.

Copy: Click on this button to open the metal editor with the properties of the presently selected metal. The Copy Metal dialog box appears when you click on this button to allow you to select which type of metal, planar or via, you wish to create.

Remove: Click on this button to remove the selected metal in the metal list from your project.

Library: Click on this button to open the Metal Library dialog box. which allows you to manage your metal libraries for via and planar metal.

For more details on defining loss for a metal, see How do I define metal loss?