Sort Options dialog box

Variable List Window

The Sort Options dialog box is opened when you click on the Sort button in the Variable List window. This dialog box allows you to control the order in which the variables are displayed in the Variable List window. You select which options you wish to use. When you click on the OK button, the variable list is sorted according to the options selected.

Ascending ( a-z): Selecting this radio button sorts the variables in alphabetical order.

Descending ( z-a): Selecting this radio button sorts the variables in reverse alphabetical order.

Put Independent First: Select this checkbox if you wish independent variables (variables which do not depend on another variable for their value) to appear at the beginning of the list. The independent variables will be sorted in ascending or descending order depending on the radio button selected above, followed by the dependent variables sorted in the same order.

Put Unused Last: Select this checkbox is you wish to place all unused variables at the bottom of the variable list. The unused variables will be sorted in ascending or descending order depending on the radio button selected above.