Schematic Window

Output - Inductor Model File

This window is opened automatically at the end of an inductor model extraction. It is also opened when you click on the Extract button in the Inductor Model dialog box.

The window displays the schematic for the model (Untapped or Center Tapped) with the calculated values for the model displayed at the appropriate locations.  

Plot: Click on this button to open a plot which displays the original response data from which the model was extracted and the response data generated by extracted model. This allows you to visually inspect how close a fit your inductor model is to your source data. The two equations displayed for the Untapped model are Inductance2 and the Q factor. The two equations displayed for the Center Tapped Model are Center-Tapped Ldiff (nH) and DCenter-Tapped Qdiff..

Details: Click on this button to open the Inductor Model File Details window which displays the calculated model parameters of your selected topology.

Copy (Windows only): Click on this button to copy the schematic to your clipboard. This allows you to paste the schematic in another application to be used for presentations on your design.