Output Multiple Files dialog box

Response Viewer - Output S, Y, Z Parameters - Output PI Model - Output N-Coupled Line Model

When you click on the Save button when creating output files in a project that has multiple variable combinations, the Output Multiple Files dialog box is opened. This dialog box allows you to specify the name and destination folder for the output files you are creating.

Selected Combination: Click on this radio button if you wish to output a single file which contains the data associated with the variable combination selected in the Select Parameters dialog box which may be opened from the Output dialog box.  If you select this radio button the rest of the controls in this dialog box are disabled. When you click on the Save button a browse window opens which allows you to select the destination folder and filename for your output file.

All Combinations: Click on this radio button if you wish to output multiple files. A separate output file is produced for the data associated with each variable combination in the project. For example, if you have 25 variable combinations, 25 output files are created. When this radio button is selected, the controls below are enabled, which allows you to specify the destination folder and filenames for all of your output files. When you click on the Save button, multiple output files are created where specified by the controls below.

Folder: Enter the destination folder for the output files here. You may click on the Browse button to the right to open a browse window which allows you to select the desired output folder.

Base File Name: Enter the base file name you wish to use for your output files. The file name is the base file name entered here followed by an index number for the variable combination to make each file name unique.

Extension: Enter the desired extension you wish to use for your output files.