Import/Export Mapping dialog box

Stackup Manager - Technology Layer dialog box

DXF Layer: This field specifies the name of the DXF layer for the selected Technology Layer(s) which will be created if you export a DXF file. If your project file originated from a DXF import, then this field is automatically populated during the import process. This can be useful as a reminder of the source of this Technology Layer. This field is optional.

GDSII stream: This field specifies the name of the GDSII stream for the selected Technology Layer(s) which will be created if you export a GDSII file. If your project file originated from a GDSII import, then this field is automatically populated during the import process. This can be useful as a reminder of the source of this Technology Layer. This field is optional.

GDS Data Type: This field specifies the data type of the GDSII stream for the selected Technology Layer(s) which will be created if you export a GDSII file. You enter the number which identifies the GDS data type here. A GDSII stream may contain more than one type of object, such as metal polygons and via polygons. Each object is assigned a data type.  If your project file originated from a GDSII import, then this field is automatically populated during the import process. This can be useful as a reminder of the source of this Technology Layer. This field is optional.

Gerber Filename: This field specifies the Gerber file which will be created from the selected Technology Layer if you export a Gerber file. The filename does not require an extension. This field is optional.

Note: The GDSII,  DXF and Gerber translators are only available if you have purchased a GDSII, DXF or Gerber Translator license, respectively, from Sonnet. Please see your system administrator if you are unsure of the availability of these programs.