How do I manually create a calibration group?

Co-calibrated Internal Port Calibration Groups

By default, co-calibrated ports are automatically grouped with other co-calibrated ports by the software. However, it is possible to create a calibration group to which you manually assign ports. A manually created calibration group overrides the auto grouping.

button_manuals.gif For a discussion of the rules which apply to manual grouping, please refer to the "Ports" chapter of the Sonnet User's Guide.

To manually assign a calibration group to co-calibrated ports in your circuit, do the following:

  1. Place the metal in your circuit to which you wish to connect your co-calibrated ports that will make up the calibration group.
    Keep in mind that co-calibrated ports must be placed on open polygon edges. There is no limit to the number of  ports in a calibration group and the ports may be on multiple metal levels. To add a co-calibrated port, you first add a standard boxwall port to the desired polygon edges, then change the Port Type.

  2. Select Tools => Add Ports  from the main menu.
    You may also click on the Add Ports button in the project editor tool box. Holding down the shift key when you select the command allows you to add multiple ports.

  3. Click on the polygon edges where you wish to place your co-calibrated ports.
    The standard ports are added sequentially each time you click on a polygon edge.

  4. When you have finished adding all the ports, select all the ports.
    They should appear highlighted in your circuit.

  5. Select Modify => Port Properties from the main menu.
    The Port Properties dialog box appears on your display. You may also open this dialog box by double-clicking on a port or doing a right-click on a port and selecting Port Properties from the popup menu.
    The port number displays mixed since you have multiple ports selected.

  6. Select Co-calibrated from the Type drop list.
    This changes all the selected ports to co-calibrated ports. The Calibration Group controls appear in the dialog box with "Auto" selected under Name.


  7. Select a Calibration Group name from the Name drop list.
    The names are automatically generated by the project editor. If you are starting a new calibration group, select the first name in the list. If you wish to add these ports to an existing manually defined calibration group, then select the name of the group from the droplist.

  8. Click on the Properties button in the Calibration Group controls.
    The Calibration Group Properties dialog box is opened.

  9. Select the desired ground node connection from the droplist.
    There are two different types of ground node connections for a calibration group: Sonnet Box or Floating. For more information on ground node connections for calibration groups, click here.

  10. Select the Terminal Width setting for your calibration group from the drop list.
    Terminal width is the electrical contact width of the element. There are three different settings for terminal width: Feedline Width, One Cell and User Defined. For more information on terminal widths, click here.

  11. When you have finished defining your settings, click on the OK button.
    The Calibration Group Properties dialog box closes.

  12. Click on the OK button of the Port Properties dialog box.
    The dialog box closes and the ports are redrawn with a group identifier. This completes the addition of a manually created calibration group.