Edit SonnetCluster Server List

Analysis Monitor Preferences dialog box - SonnetCluster Tab - Edit Server List dialog box

The list of available Cluster servers shows all the defined Sonnet Cluster servers as well as the Cluster servers in the sonnetclusters.txt file. The sonnetclusters file allows a system administrator to define a standard list of Cluster servers and disperse it to all users. You may not edit the properties of a Cluster server contained in the sonnetclusters file using this dialog box. You must directly edit the sonnetclusters.txt file to change properties of the cluster servers contained therein. These cluster servers are indicated by a * next to their entry in the list.

To include your local computer in the list of em Cluster servers, select the Include local computer in server list checkbox which appears just below the list. This allows you to choose your local computer as well as cluster servers for any given analysis if the Prompt for Server checkbox is set in the Preferences dialog box.

To add a new Sonnet Cluster server, click on the Add Server button. Clicking on this button opens the Add/Edit Cluster dialog box which allows you to define a new server.

To edit the properties of an existing Cluster server, click on the desired cluster in the list to select it, then click on the Edit Server button above the list. This opens the Add/Edit Cluster dialog box which allows you to modify the properties of the server.

To remove a Cluster server from the list, click on the desired server in the list to select it, then click on the Delete Server button. The Cluster server is deleted from the server list.

As mentioned above, the sonnetclusters file allows you to define a cluster server in an external file. The default filename is as follows:

For Windows: By default, the sonnetclusters file is found at:

                   <Sonnet App Data>\datas\sonnetclusters.txt

where <Sonnet App Data> is the location where the Sonnet Application data was installed on your system. To open this folder, select the command Admin => Diagnostics => Explore Sonnet AppData Folder from the main menu of the Sonnet task bar. Please note that this folder is hidden by default, so you will need to use the above command to access the folder.

For Linux: By default, the sonnetclusters file is found at:

                    <Sonnet Directory>\data\sonnetclusters.txt

where <Sonnet Directory> is the location where Sonnet was installed on your system.

You may edit this file to add more cluster servers; instructions on the format are included in this default file. If you wish to use another file, you may specify it by entering the filename and path in the text entry box. Any cluster servers defined in this file appear in the server list above, but may not be edited or deleted using this dialog box. To edit or delete a cluster, you must directly edit the sonnetclusters file specified. The default file initially contains no entries.