Output => S, Y, Z-Parameter File

Response Viewer - Output Menu - Export Project Data dialog box

Selecting Output => S, Y, Z-Parameter File opens the Export Project Data dialog box which allows you to export response data contained within your project file to an external data file. You may choose the type of data, type of response parameter and response format for the output file. If the project included a parameter sweep or optimization, you are also able to select a parameter combination. The selected data appears in the display window.

You may also set up an external data file to be generated during the analysis by using the Analysis => Output Files command in the project editor.

Format drop list: Select the desired data format for the external file from this drop list. Choices include:

·      Touchstone - Default extension is sNp where N is the number of ports

·      Data Bank - - Default extension is sNp where N is the number of ports

·      Super Compact - Default extension is flp

·      Spreadsheet (comma separated values) - Default extension is csv

·       MDIF (S2P) - Default extension is mdf - This format allows you to store a parameter sweep in one file and is intended to be used with the Keysight element S2PMDIF. This format is limited to circuits with 2 ports.

·       MDIF (ebridge) - Default extension is mdf . - This format allows you to store a parameter sweep in one file and is intended to be used in Keysight with a DAC which can be created with the Keysight Interface, ebridge. This format allows circuits which use up to 6 ports.

Note that you may edit the filename and use any file extension you wish such as . d, . rsp, sNp, etc.

Data Type: This allows you to select de-embedded or non-de-embedded data. For a discussion of de-embedding, see the Advanced Options dialog box.

Parameter drop list: Select the type of response parameter you wish to output to the external data file. Your choices include S-, Y- or Z-Parameters.

Complex drop list: Your response data is output as a complex number. Choose the format of the complex data from this list. Your choices are Max-Angle, DB-Angle and Real-Imaginary.

Select Parameter: Click on this button to open the Select Parameters dialog box which allows you to select for which parameter combination you wish to export data. You may only select one combination per output file. This button only appears if your project contains parameters.

Include Comments: Click on this checkbox if you wish to export the comments. The comments are generated by the software and include the file type, software version, project name and modification dates.

Include Adaptive Data: Click on this checkbox to include all the discrete and adaptive data from an Adaptive Band Synthesis (ABS) analysis. If you wish to only export the discrete data points, disable this checkbox. The checkbox is set by default for all new projects.

High Precision: Click on this checkbox if you wish to export high precision (16 characters) data.

Scroll List: When you select from any of the above drop lists, the scroll list below is updated with the data you have selected and that will be output to the external data file when you execute the save.

Remember settings checkbox: Turn this checkbox on if you wish to save your choices for future exports. The next time you access this dialog box, these settings are used as the default settings for the data.

Print button: Click on this button to Print the project data presently displayed in the output window.

Save button: Click on this button to execute the Save Project Data command. The data specified in this dialog box is output to an external data file. A Browse window appears which allows you to enter the desired filename. If the project contains multiple variable combinations, the Output Multiple Files dialog box appears which allows you to specify the file names.