Add/Edit/View Equation dialog box

Response Viewer - Equation Menu - Equation Management dialog box

This dialog box is used to add a new equation to the equation file, edit an existing user-defined equation or view a Sonnet supplied equation. It is opened in response to selecting the Add, Edit, or View button in the Equation Management dialog box.

Required Tab

Entries on this tab are required to define your equation.

Equation Name: Enter the desired name for the equation here. This is the name which appears in the Equation list in the Equation Management dialog box and in the Add Equation Curve dialog box. You may not change this name once the equation has been created; therefore, this field is disabled when you view or edit an equation.

Argument List: This list contains the arguments which have been defined for this equation. The restrictions on the argument also appear in this list. To select an argument, click on its entry in this list.

Add: Click on this button to open the Add Argument Definition dialog box which allows you to add a new argument to your equation. Once you have added a new argument, it appears in the argument list displayed below.

Edit: Click on this button to open the Edit Argument Definition dialog box which allows you to change the argument presently selected in the argument list.

Delete: Click on this button to delete the argument presently selected in the argument list from your equation.

Equation Body: Enter the desired operations on the arguments here. See Equation Syntax for a list of available functions and constants. To see an example of an equation's syntax, select a Sonnet provided equation in the Equation Management dialog box and click on the View button.

Apply settings to all equations on this axis: Select this checkbox is you wish to apply all changes made in this dialog box to all the equation curves presently displayed on the selected axis. If the data you are attempting to plot is not available for another curve, you will receive a message informing you the data is not available and do you want to continue. If you continue, only the data available will be displayed. The most common example of this would be if you are plotting two different projects which contain a different number of ports and you are plotting data for a port in one project such as port 4, which does not exist in the other project which has only two ports.

Optional Tab

Entries on this tab are optional and are used to identify the purpose and meaning of an equation. These fields are very useful if multiple users are sharing one equation file.

Description: Enter a brief description of the equation here. This description appears in the Add/Edit Equation Curve dialog box when the equation is selected.

Axis Label: Enter the axis label you wish to have appear on your plot when this equation is used to add an equation curve to your plot. If you do not enter a label, the name of the equation is used. You may also enter a label on your plot using the Axis Properties command.

Equation Details: Enter a detailed description of the equation here.