Argument Entry dialog box

Response Viewer  - Add/Edit Equation Curve dialog box

When you select an argument in the Add/Edit Equation Curve dialog box and click on the Edit button, the Argument Entry dialog box is opened. This dialog box allows you to define an argument as a response in a project.

Project: Select the project from which you wish to select a response for this argument. This drop list contains any projects which have been added to the plot. If only one project is used in the plot, this drop list is disabled.

Data Collection: These three drop lists allow you to choose the response. The first drop list allows you to choose between standard or optimized data. This list is only enabled if the selected project has parameters and an optimization has been run on the project. The appearance of the dialog box changes depending on which option is selected.

The second list allows you to choose De-embedded or Not De-embedded data. If you have chosen optimized data, this drop list is disabled, but the type of data, de-embedded or not de-embedded, is displayed.

The third drop list allows you to select the specific parameter you wish to use as the argument. This list may include S-, Y- and Z-parameters. Only those parameters included when the argument was defined in the Add Argument Definition dialog box appear in this list.

Parameter Combinations: This part of the dialog box only appears if the selected project contains parameters. The presently selected parameter values are displayed here. If you wish to use a response from a different parameter combination click on the Select Combinations button to open the Select Parameters dialog box which allows you to select another parameter combination.

Optimization Iterations: This part of the dialog box only appears if the selected project had been optimized and Optimized is selected in the Data Collection drop list. The presently selected optimization iteration is displayed here. If you wish to use a different optimization iteration, click on the Select Iterations button to open the Select Parameters dialog box which allows you to select another optimization iteration.