Analysis Speed/Memory Control dialog box

Project Editor - Analysis Setup dialog box

Clicking on the Speed/Memory button in the Analysis Setup dialog box opens the Analysis Speed/Memory Control dialog box. This dialog box allows you to control the memory usage for an analysis by controlling the subsectioning of your circuit. For a complete discussion of subsectioning, Min and Max and edge meshing, please refer to the ''Subsectioning'' chapter in the Sonnet User's Guide.

The high memory settings produce a more accurate answer and usually increase processing time. Conversely, low memory settings run faster but do not yield as accurate an answer.

You control this setting using a slider bar. There are presently three settings, detailed below, for this slider.

Mesh: Fine/Edge Meshing (left): Em uses XMIN and YMIN settings of each individual polygon, and the edge meshing settings of each individual polygon. This is the default setting. It uses the most memory and returns the most accurate answer.

Mesh: Coarse/Edge Meshing (center): Em checks the Xmin value of each individual polygon. If the value is less than 50, em uses 50. Otherwise, em uses the Xmin value of that polygon. Same for YMin. Em uses the edge meshing settings of each individual polygon.

Mesh: Coarse/No Edge Meshing (right): Xmin and Ymin are treated the same as cited for the option above, but em disables edge meshing for all polygons. This setting uses the least amount of memory and runs the fastest but at the cost of some accuracy.

Memory Estimate button: Clicking on this button opens the Estimate Memory dialog box which displays the memory use estimate for the project and allows you to view the subsectioning if you wish.