Add/Edit Remote Server dialog box

Analysis Monitor - Client Configuration dialog box - Edit Server List dialog box

The Add/Edit Remote Server dialog box is opened when you click on the Add Server or Edit Server button in the Edit Server List dialog box.

A host may be specified by name or IP Address. To specify the server by host name, select the Specify by Host name radio button, then enter the host name in the adjacent text entry box. To specify the remote server by IP address, click on the Specify by IP address radio button, then enter the IP address of the remote server in the four text entry boxes provided.

Enter the Port number in the Port text entry box. The default port number is 56150. If this port is not available on the remote server, you will need a port number which is available on the remote server. This should be the same as the Port address entered in the Emserver Advanced Settings dialog box on the remote server.

You may use the Comment text entry box to enter information about the server. The contents of the comment field are displayed in the Server List.

Once you have specified the remote server and its port, you may click on the Test Connection to Remote emserver Process button. This will test the ability to communicate with the remote server. A window appears on your display which contains the communication status. It is important to remember that emserver must be running on the remote server before communications can be established. For information about running emserver, see Admin => Remote em Computing => Server Configuration/Control in the Sonnet task bar help.