Edit Sonnet Dielectric dialog box

Substrate File Setup dialog box - Dielectric Setup dialog box

The Edit Sonnet Dielectric dialog box is opened when you click on the Edit button in the Dielectric Setup dialog box. The type of dielectric is specified for each dielectric layer by entering the dielectric constant and loss parameters in this dialog box. For details about these parameters, see Dielectric Layers.

#: This is the number of the dielectric layer. You may not edit the value in this dialog box. The positions of layers must be changed in the Dielectric Setup dialog box.

Name: Enter the desired name for the dielectric material to be used in the layer here.

Anisotropic: If you wish the dielectric material to be anisotropic, indicating that its parameters are different in each dimension, click on this checkbox. The dialog box is updated so that there are two sets of entries; one for the x, y and one for the z direction. You can then enter the parameters of the dielectric material by editing the entries in the row.

Thickness: Enter the desired thickness of the dielectric layer here. The length unit being used is displayed to the left of the text entry box.

Erel: Enter the relative dielectric constant (permittivity) here.

DLoss: Enter the dielectric loss tangent here.

Cond (S/M): Enter the dielectric conductivity here.

Mrel: Enter the relative magnetic permeability here

MLoss: Enter the magnetic loss tangent here.