Edit Sonnet Material dialog box

Substrate File Setup dialog box - Material Setup dialog box

The Edit Sonnet Material dialog box is opened when you click on the Edit button in the Material Setup dialog box or when you double-click on a metal in the list in the Material Setup dialog box. Note that controls are different based on what is selected in the Type drop list and the Model drop list.

Name: Enter the desired name for this metal type in this text entry box. This name must be unique to the metal type (either planar or via); no duplicate names are allowed. A via metal type and planar metal type may have the same name.

Color: Enter an index number to identify the color used to represent this metal type in Sonnet’s project editor. Each different metal type should be assigned a different metal color.

Type: Sonnet has two different metal types: planar for metal polygons and via for via polygons. Select Planar or Via from this drop list to identify which type of metal you are creating.

Model: Select the metal definition you wish to use for this metal type. The choices in this drop list are different, depending on what is selected in the Type drop list. The appearance of the dialog box will change based on which Model definition type you choose. Both sets of choices are explained below:

Planar metal: You may select one of the following models: Normal, ThickMetalModel, Resistor, Rdc/Rrf, General, Rough Metal, or SenseMetal.

Enter the parameters that define the metal in the text entry boxes below. For a detailed explanation of the planar metal type loss models and their parameters, please click on a link above for the desired metal type.

Via metal: The appearance of the dialog box will change based on which definition Type you choose. You may select one of the following: Volume, Surface, or Array.

Enter the parameters that define the metal in the text entry boxes below. For a detailed explanation of the via metal type loss models and their parameters, please click on a link above for the desired metal type.