Analysis => Simulate and Release

Cadence Virtuoso Interface - Analysis Menu

For longer analysis runs, you may want to make the license for the Sonnet Cadence Virtuoso interface available in order to work on another project or to allow another user access to the interface. In those cases, you can use the command Analysis => Simulate and Release to run your analysis without locking up the interface for the whole time. In this case, when you execute the command, the analysis is launched and the license for the Cadence Virtuoso Interface is checked in.

Sonnet’s analysis monitor appears on your display so you can monitor the progress of the analysis.

You need to be aware that when you use the Simulate and Release command to run an analysis, any model views which are specified are not automatically created at the end of the analysis as happens with the simulate command. You must use the Models menu in the Cadence Virtuoso Interface main menu to create the model views after the analysis is done. There are individual commands for each model type; for example for Touchstone S-Parameters, you would select the command Models => Touchstone S-Parameters => Create View. If you have specified multiple model types, you may use the Models => Create All Model Views command to create all of the model views specified in the analysis.

If you use the simulate and release command to run your analysis, you may stop the simulation in the analysis monitor and use the ABS preview in Sonnet's response viewer.