Advanced Project Options dialog box

Analysis Section - Analysis Options dialog box

The Advanced Project Options dialog box is opened when you click on the Advanced button in the Project Options section of the Analysis Options dialog box. The controls are detailed below.

Sonnet Project Name: This is the project to which your translated Virtuoso SonnetEM view will be saved. The default name for the project is:

< library>_< cell>_< view>.son

For example, if you are translating the cell “inductor” from the “sonnetdemo” library, then the project file name would be sonnetdemo_inductor_SonnetEM.son.

Sonnet Project Comments:  This field allows you to enter comments which are saved as part of the Sonnet project. To enter a comment, click in the list and type.

For the Symmetry checkbox, please refer to Circuit => Box. For all other options, see Advanced Options dialog box. To turn on an option, click on the appropriate checkbox.