Add/Edit Cluster dialog box

Edit SonnetCluster Server List

This dialog box is opened when you click on the Add Server or Edit Server button in the Edit SonnetCluster Server List dialog box and allows you edit the properties of an existing or new cluster. You identify a Sonnet cluster server by identifying the master computer for the cluster.

Specify by Host Name: Click on this radio button to identify the master computer in the Sonnet Cluster by its Host Name. Selecting this radio button enables the text entry box to the right. The host name which identifies the master computer should be entered in that text entry box. The host name should be the name by which the master computer is identified on your network.

Specify by IP address: Click on this radio button to identify the master computer in the Sonnet Cluster by its IP address. Selecting this radio button enables the four text entry boxes to the right. The IP address for the master computer should be entered in those text entry boxes. The IP address should be the IP address at which the master computer resides on your network.

Port: Enter the port number on the master computer through which the master computer communicates on the Sonnet Cluster. This should be the same port number as the one entered on the master computer. The default is 56300. This should be the same port number as the one entered on the master computer.

Comment: Enter a brief description here to identify this cluster. This entry appears in the New Batch Creation dialog box.

Test Connection to Remote SonnetCluster Process: Click on this button to check communications with the master computer. A window appears and reports if the slave was able to successfully interface with the master computer.