Published References: Superconductors
Below is a list of publications, which have been suggested by the Sonnet user community, that are helpful when applying Sonnet to Superconductor circuits. Please contact Sonnet Technical Support, if you have any further suggestions.
- Shen, Z. Y., “High-Temperature Superconducting Microwave Circuits,” Boston, 1994, Artech House.
This book includes information on HTS materials and processing, including equations for kinetic inductance. - Kerr, A.R., “Surface Impedance of Superconductors and Normal Conductors in EM Simulators,” 1999, MMA Memo No.245 - NRAO Electronics Division Internal Report No. 302.
This short document gives suggestions for handling metal thickness using a pair of 2D metal sheets in Sonnet. - Doyle, Simon 2008. “Lumped element Kinetic Inductance Detectors”. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
On pages 21-25 of the document, you will see the equations for the Kinetic Inductance for two cases: metal thickness less than and more than the London penetration depth. - Annunziata, Anthony J. et al.,“Tunable superconducting nanoinductors”, Nanotechnology 21, 445202 (2010).
Equation 2 gives the kinetic inductance of a wire. - K. Yoshida, K. Watanabe, T. Kisu and K. Enpuku, " Evaluation of magnetic penetration depth and surface resistance of superconducting thin films using coplanar waveguides," in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1979-1982, June 1995, doi: 10.1109/77.402973.
Most other references assume the current to be homogeneous, but in Equation 3 in this reference the current is not considered homogeneous.