Advanced IME  Options dialog box

Project Editor - Analysis => Output Files - Inductor Model Output File dialog box

Response Viewer - Output => Inductor Model File

The Advanced IME options dialog box is opened when you click on the Advanced button in the Inductor Model Output File dialog box in the project editor or the Inductor Model File dialog box in the response viewer. This dialog box allows you to enter options for the Inductor Model Extractor.

Generate Predicted S-parameter data file: Selecting this checkbox creates a file which contains the predicted S-parameter data produced by the inductor model. The filename to which the predicted data is written appears just below and may not be changed. This file is created in the same directory in which the output model file is created. This file allows you to visually inspect how close a fit your inductor model is to your source data. This option is selected by default.

Additional Options: Normally, this field should only  be used at the direction of Sonnet support personnel.