Tools => Add Component => Sonnet Project

Tools => Add Component - Component Properties dialog box

You select Tools => Add Component => Sonnet Project in order to add a component to your geometry that is modeled with another Sonnet project. An assistant appears on your display which helps you set up your component. This dialog box is also opened when you select the command Modify => Component

blue_browse_right.gif Using Variables in this dialog box

For the Sonnet Project component type, the analysis engine, em, first performs an electromagnetic analysis on the geometry, and then uses circuit theory to connect the Component project's analysis results to the geometry. This allows you to subsequently change the Sonnet project used by your component without performing the electromagnetic analysis another time on your geometry. However, if the Component project does not contain analysis results, then an analysis is performed on the Component project before performing the circuit theory portion of the analysis. As long as no changes are made in the Component project, the analysis of that project is done only once and the results used in any subsequent analyses.

 The Sonnet project component can be a netlist or geometry project.. There is no limit to the number of ports you may use for a project component.

Note: The Component Assistant appears when you open this dialog box to help you set up the inputs for your component.

Project File: Enter the desired Sonnet project file in this text entry box. You may edit the contents directly or click on the Browse button to open a window which allows you to select a Sonnet project (.son) on your computer. .

Parameters: Click on this button to open the Model Parameters dialog box which allows you to define the values of any parameters defined in the Sonnet Project. It is possible to link variables in your main project with variables in your Sonnet project.


Terminal Width

Ground Node Connection

Reference Planes and Calibration Lengths

Physical Size

button_manuals.gif  For a detailed discussion of Components, please refer to the "Components" chapter in the Sonnet User's Guide.