Terminal Width

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The terminal width is the electrical contact width of the Component. Entering a terminal width allows you to accurately model the current flow from the circuit geometry into the Component.

There are three types of terminal width: feedline, one cell and user defined. Each type of terminal width is illustrated and explained below. Note that you set the terminal width by selecting the component ports and selecting Object  Port Properties.

Feedline Width

Choosing Feedline Width sets your terminal width to match the length of the polygon edge to which the Component is attached. This option should be used when the polygon edge is about the same size as the width of the Component. An example is pictured below.

One Cell

One Cell sets your terminal width to the smallest possible size of one cell wide as pictured below.

User Defined

This option allows you to enter a known electrical contact width. An illustration of a Component with User Defined terminal widths is shown below.

When you select user defined, your terminal width is defined based on the location of the Component port. The point at which the port is placed on the polygon edge becomes the center of the terminal width extending an equal distance on either side.

This ability to limit the terminal width size is important in cases where more than one Component port needs to connect to the same polygon edge or the polygon edge is extremely large. The next two images demonstrate these concepts.