Insert - Add Network Element (Netlist Only)

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When you select Insert - Add Network Element from the project editor main  the Add/Edit Element dialog box appears on your display, configured to add a network. You define what network to add and the connections between the network element and the main network in the netlist. This dialog box is also opened if you double-click on a network element entry in the netlist so that you may edit the entry.

Element: Select the network you wish to add to the netlist from the Element drop list. This drop list contains all the Sub networks presently defined in the netlist. If you wish to add a new network, see Insert - New Network.

Node Assignment: There is a text entry box for each Port in the network element and one more for the ground reference (REF). Enter the node in the netlist to which you wish the port to correspond in the appropriate text entry box. REF may be connected to GND or to a node in the network.

When the network element is added to your network, its entry is listed as network name.

Tool Bar Button: