Object - Move

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Selecting Object - Move when an object (metal polygon, brick polygon, or via) is selected, opens the Move dialog box which allows you to precisely move the object in your circuit. You may also copy the object as you move it.

There are two different ways to define the movement of the object, either by defining a delta along the x and y axes, and inputting a distance and direction from the present location. When you input values into one set of controls, the other set is updated with the equivalent values. The controls are explained below:

The measurements for the last time the selected polygon was moved are "remembered" and appear in this dialog box when it is opened. You may also define the movement by using the measuring tool to select a vertex of the polygon, then clicking the point to which you wish to move the polygon. When you select the polygon and open this dialog box, the distance defined by the measuring tool appears.

Delta X: Enter the distance which you wish to move the object along the x-axis. A positive number will move the object towards the right box wall, while a negative value moves the object towards the left box wall.

Delta Y: Enter the distance which you wish to move the object along the y-axis. A positive number will move the object towards the top box wall, while a negative value moves the object towards the bottom box wall.

Distance: Enter the total distance you wish to move the object here. It will be moved in the direction defined by the value input to the Angle text entry box.

Angle: Enter an value for the angle which defines the direction in which the object is moved the distance entered in the Distance text entry box. An angle of zero moves the object in the direction of the left box wall. An angle of 90 moves the object towards the top box wall. An angle of 180 moves the object towards the left box wall. An angle of 270 moves the object towards the box bottom.

Make a Copy: Select this checkbox is you wish to create a copy of the object at the location specified by the entries above, while leaving the original object in its present location.

Once you have entered the desired values, click on the Apply button to move the object. When you are done moving objects, click on the Close button to close the dialog box.

Objects tool bar: