Boolean Operations - Intersect

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This command allows you to leave only the intersection of multiple polygons, deleting any metal that does not overlap between the polygons The polygons do not need to be the same metal type; however, the intersected metal left after the execution of the command uses the metal type of whichever polygon involved in the intersection had the least amount of loss.

 There are two ways to execute this command:

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When the command is executed, a new polygon is created based on the intersection of the selected polygons. The metal type of the intersect polygon is the metal type of the polygon whose metal type has the least amount of loss out of the original polygons. Note that if there is no overlap between the selected polygons, then all of the selected polygons are deleted.

Note that any objects, such as ports, dimensions, reference planes and parameters, attached to a vertex that is deleted as the result of this operation, are removed when the command is executed.

The command only effects the selected polygons, even if another polygon is also intersecting the selected polygons.