Netex-G Window

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The Netex-G window, shown below, is used to map your Gerber files to a Sonnet project and execute a multi-layer import. It may optionally be used on a Job file import if you wish to change some of the settings in the job file.

Netex-G is also used to import an ODB++ archive file or directory. If you wish to perform an ODB++ translation, you select File - Open ODB++ from the main menu in the Netex-G window. The ODB++ Import Window is opened which allows you to import the ODB++ file archive or directory.

You click on the Layer number button to assign a file to that layer of the stackup. For example if you wished to assign the file M1.gbr to Stackup level 2, you would click on the "2" button, then select the M1. gbr file in the browse window which appears.


Gerber File

View Layer

Layer Name

Layer Type

Layer Details


Drills Window

Window dilalog box

Import button

Netex-G Help