Tools - Add Element

Project Editor Menu - Tools Menu - Netlist Editor - Element Add/Edit dialog box

Selecting any of the four Add Element commands from the tools menu, opens the Element Add/Edit dialog box. This dialog box allows you to add an element to your netlist. The element can be a modeled element, a project element, a data file element or a network element. Double-clicking on an existing element opens this dialog box which allows you to edit the element. The contents of the dialog box differs depending on which type of element is being added or edited.

Select the desired element below for details on adding that type of element. Elements are added below the presently selected line in the netlist.

Modeled Element

A modeled element may be a resistor, capacitor, inductor, transmission line, or physical transmission line.

Project Element

The project element is a Sonnet project which you wish to include in the network. Each port of the project is connected to a node in the netlist. The subproject is analyzed as part of the netlist analysis and its results used in the network.

Data File Element

The data file element is a file which contains response data for a circuit. Each port defined in the response file is connected to a node in the netlist. This response file can be the result of a Sonnet analysis, a Touchstone formatted file or a Super Compact formatted file.

Network Element

The network element defines a nodal network of one or more elements in the netlist. Each port defined in the network is connected to a node in the main network of the netlist.