Set Smith Chart Dialog Box
Smith Chart - Graph => Set Axes - Graph Menu
You open the Set Smith Chart dialog box by selecting Graph => Set Axes from the response viewer main menu when your plot is a Smith chart. You may also access this dialog box by right-clicking on any axis of your Smith chart and selecting Axis Properties from the pop-up menu which appears on your display. In this dialog box, you can select the Smith chart curve type, scale and frequency limits.
Smith Chart Curves: These radio buttons allow
you to select which type of curve appears in your display: Impedance or
Admittance. The type of curve you choose is displayed in the Plot Legend. Selecting Fine
from the drop list under these radio buttons places a finer grid on your
plot. Coarse displays a grid with less intervals.
Max. Radius: Select the maximum radius allowed
in the display from the drop list. Values available are 0.3, 0.5, 1.0,
3.0, and 5.0. The standard Smith chart is 1.0.
Limit Frequency: If you wish to limit the frequency
range of the Smith chart, set this check box to on. The minimum frequency
is then entered in the Start text entry box, and the maximum frequency
desired is entered in the Stop text entry box. Only data points which
fall within this range will be displayed. If the Limit Frequency check
box is off, the Start and Stop text entry boxes are disabled. The frequency
limits are displayed in the Plot Legend.
Show VSWR Circle:
Select this checkbox if you wish to highlight the Voltage Standing Wave
Ratio ( VSWR) circle.
Selecting this checkbox enables the ratio text entry box to the right.
Enter the desired ratio. The VSWR circle for
that ratio will be highlighted in red.