Add Component - Ports Only

Tools => Add Component - Component Properties dialog box

You select Tools => Add Component => Ports Only in order to insert internal ports in your circuit which may be used later in a circuit design program. An assistant appears on your display which helps you set up your component. This dialog box is also opened when you select the command Modify => Component

blue_browse_right.gif Using Variables in this dialog box

All of the ports associated with this component will have a common ground and are simultaneously de-embedded during the electromagnetic analysis. This component type is functionally equivalent to using co-calibrated internal ports.

    Number of Ports: Enter the desired number of ports for your component here. You may use an unlimited number of ports.


    Terminal Width

    Ground Node Connection

    Reference Planes and Calibration Lengths

    Physical Size

button_manuals.gif  For a detailed discussion of Components, please refer to the "Components" chapter in the Sonnet User's Guide.