Results => View Response

Cadence Virtuoso Interface - Results Menu

Selecting Results => View Response from the main menu of the Cadence Virtuoso Interface window opens Sonnet's response viewer. The response viewer is used to display the results from a Sonnet analysis as either a Cartesian graph or Smith chart. S-, Y- and Z-Parameters can be displayed alone or simultaneously as well as transmission line parameters. You can also display multiple curves from multiple projects on a single plot or choose to open multiple plots at the same time. In addition, the response viewer allows you to display the result of equations. There is a set of default equations or the user may define their own.

You may choose to display symbols at data points which represent the response at a particular frequency or turn off the symbols to display a smooth response curve.

The first time you open the  response viewer, the plot of S-parameter DBS11 from your translated Sonnet project is  displayed. If this is not the first time you have viewed the response for your project, then the last plot setup is displayed using the new results.

Examples of using the response viewer are available in the Getting Started manual. You may also see Sonnet's response viewer for more information.