Model Symbol Options dialog box

Models Section - Advanced Model Options dialog box

The Model Symbol Options dialog box is opened when you click on the Symbol button in the Advanced Model options dialog box. This dialog box allows you to control the appearance of the symbol used to represent your models in Cadence schematics. This dialog box can also be opened by clicking on the Model Symbol Options button in any of the Create Model dialog boxes.

Type: You may choose to create a layout look-alike or black box symbol for your output model. The layout look-alike uses a thumbnail picture of your layout as the symbol.

Layout Type: This option only applies if you have chosen Layout look-alike as your Symbol type. Solid displays the polygons filled in with color, while Outline displays only an outline of the polygon, with no fill.

Size: This setting controls the size of the symbol. You may choose one of three options: min pin dist.,  max pin dist., 1 layout unit.

Add Ref. Pin: Select this option if you wish to include a reference pin when creating your model symbol.

Add Pin Text: Select this option if you wish to include any pin labels from the layout in the model symbol.