The Plot - Response menu is used to select the type of information displayed on your 2D or 3D current density plot. The default for a 2D plot is JXY Mag Surface, which is the magnitude of the total surface current in Amps per meter. The default for a 3D plot is JXY Mag Volume, which is the magnitude of the total volume current in Amps per square meter. the different options for the Plot - Response menu are summarized below.
JXY Mag Surface: Magnitude of total surface current in Amps per meter. Default setting for 2D current density plots.
JX Mag Surface: Magnitude of X-component of surface current in Amps per meter. X-component refers to current traveling in the X-direction based on the Sonnet coordinate system for the circuit layout.
JY Mag Surface: Magnitude of Y-component of surface current in Amps per meter. Y-component refers to the current traveling in the Y-direction based on the Sonnet coordinate system of the circuit layout.
Surface Charge: Surface charge density in Coulombs per square meter.
JXY Mag Volume: Magnitude of total volume current in Amps per square meter. Default setting for 3D current density plots.
JX Mag Volume: Magnitude of X-Component of volume current in Amps per square meter. X-component refers to current traveling in the X-direction based on the Sonnet coordinate system for the circuit layout.
JY Mag Volume: Magnitude of Y-component of volume current in Amps per square meter. Y-component refers to the current traveling in the Y-direction based on the Sonnet coordinate system for the circuit layout.
Volume Charge: Volume charge density in Coulombs per cubic meter.
JX Phase: Phase of X-component of current in Degrees.
JY Phase: Phase of Y-component of current in Degrees.
Charge Phase: Phase of charge density in Degrees.
Heat Flux: Dissipated power in Watts per square meter. Useful for thermal analysis.