View - Options

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The general page allows you to decide what layers you want to view for your project.

Here are the features that you can turn on or off:

Subsections: Selecting the subsections checkbox will show the subsections of your circuit as analyzed by em. Click on Subsections to toggle the subsections from "off" to "on". Keep in mind that when your circuit has been analyzed with symmetry, only half of your circuit is subsectioned.

Mesh Type: Selecting the Mesh Type checkbox will show the mesh type used in the circuit. Each mesh type is assigned a different color which is displayed in the legend on the left side of the current density viewer. See the colors section below for details.

Mesh Type - Via: Under the Mesh Type checkbox is the option to show the Mesh Type - Via. Selecting the Mesh Type - Via checkbox will show the vias in the meshing plot. Each mesh type is assigned a different color which is displayed in the legend on the left side of the current density viewer. See the colors section below for details.

GLG Metal: Selecting the GLG Metal checkbox will show the GLG Metal used in your circuit. This option displays the the current density of the GLG Metal in the current density plot. Additionally, the meshing in the GLG metal will be visible if you select the checkbox Mesh Type. GLG metal is used to model components and co-calibrated ports.


The Visibility page of the View - Options dialog box allows you to disable and/or enable display of object types.

All objects: Clicking on this button will make all objects visible.

Only objects checked below: Clicking on this button will allow you to choose which objects to make visible. To enable display on a particular item click on its checkbox so that the checkbox is filled in. To disable display, deselect the checkbox. The default upon startup is that all objects are visible.

Click on the Uncheck all button to clear all the checkboxes and on the Check all button to select all the objects.


This page allows you to choose the colors used in your Current Density Tab. 

The Palette drop list allows you to install alternate color maps. The default is Spectrum (color) and the other choice, grayscale, may be useful for black and white publications, or printers.

The mesh options are used when viewing the mesh type of your project. See the Mesh Type listing above for more details.