Animation - Settings

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Selecting Animation- Settings opens the Animation Settings dialog box. In this dialog box, you select the Animation Type, and the Frame Duration Time. These settings control what appears in an animation when you select the Animation - Animate View command.

Animation Type: There are three types of Animation: Frequency, Time and Parameter. Note that the Parameter option is only enabled if your project contains parameters. Choose the Animation Type by clicking on the corresponding radio button.

Choosing Time enables the Cycle Type drop list and Number of Steps  entry box.

Cycle Type: This drop list is only enabled when Time Animation is selected. Full cycle allows phase values of 0 to 360. For Half Cycle, the phase is limited to a range of 0 to 180. For Quarter Cycle, the range is 0 to 90.

Number of Steps: The number of steps per cycle determines the angles displayed in the time animation frames. For instance, the value of 18, with Full Cycle selected, will display the circuit at the following angles: 0, 36, 72, 108, 144, 180, 216, 252, 288, and 324. A value of 6 with Half Cycle selected, will use the following phase values: 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150.

The angles above presume that the source phase is 0. An example of a set of values for Ports with different source phases, and the phase interval of 72, is shown below

Source Phase Example


Port 1

Port 2

Source Magnitude

1 V

3 V

Source Phase



Frame 1

90º + 0º = 90º

45º + 0º = 45º

Frame 2

90º + 72º = 162º

45º + 72º = 90º

Frame 3

90º + 144º = 234º

45º + 144º = 90º

Frame 4

90º + 216º = 306º

45º + 216º = 90º

Frame 5

90º + 288º = 18º

45º + 288º = 90º

Frame Duration: This text entry box allows you to specify the amount of time, in seconds, each frame will appear in the current density viewer display. The default time is 0.5 seconds. Change the time by editing the text entry box.

  To use less memory, reduce the size of your current density viewer tab before invoking animation mode and/or animate less frequencies.