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The Levels page of View Options dialog box controls the visibility of metal levels.

It is possible to lock a level to prevent multilayer selecting commands from affecting objects on it. If a layer is locked, editing commands will act on objects on that layer only if it is the present layer.

You can view the metalization on multiple levels at the same time in the project editor. When the metalization of another level, other than the level presently displayed, is visible, the metalization appears as dashed outlines. The metalization on the level presently displayed is shown by solid lines and the metal fill pattern if View - Metal View - Cell Fill is on. If a level is invisible, the metalization is only visible when it is the present level.

The Levels page indicates the present visibility value for all levels and their lock status. Initially, when the project editor starts up, all levels are visible and unlocked so that multilayer selecting commands will affect objects on all layers of a circuit.

The Levels page contains a list of all of the metal levels in your circuit. Each metal level entry contains a Show and a Lock checkbox.

Show checkbox: Clicking on this checkbox makes the selected level visible. When a level is visible, and not the present level, polygons and other shapes can be seen on the screen as a dashed outline. If the Show checkbox is clear, the levels objects are not shown except when it is the present layer viewed.

Lock checkbox: Clicking on this checkbox locks the selected level. No objects on this layer will be selected on another level while in multilayer select mode. You can use this to prevent inadvertent changes on a completed level. It is important to remember, however, that the lock does not prevent editing if it is the present layer. Clearing this checkbox unlocks the selected level for multilayer selecting.

Show All checkbox: This checkbox appears in the heading of the Show column for all entries. Select this checkbox if you wish to make all of the levels visible. If you wish to turn off visibility for all the levels, clear this checkbox.

Lock All checkbox: This checkbox appears in the heading of the Lock column for all entries. Select this checkbox if you wish to lock all of the levels.Clearing this checkbox unlocks all of the levels for multilayer selecting.

Present level drop list: This drop list controls the level displayed in the project editor window. This allows you to view different levels in your circuit without the need to exit the dialog box. Select a level from the drop list, then click on the Apply button to update the display.