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The General page of the Edit Preferences dialog box appears when you click on "General" in the sidebar menu of the Edit Preferences dialog box in the Pattern tab. This page allows you to choose some display options detailed below:

Auto Scale - Recalculate when data changes: Select this checkbox if you wish the auto scaling to be recalculated when the data in your plot changes. If this checkbox is not selected, then only the data which is included in the present scale is displayed.

Check Files - Always check for updated files: Select this checkbox to have Sonnet automatically check your project(s) for updates when you have a plot open. Enter the desired time between automatic updates of project files in the text entry box.

User Equation File (Graph Tab only): A user equation file is a file that contains one or more equations that can be used in Sonnet graphs. The equations in the file are appended to the built-in Sonnet measurements.You may create your own equation files using the Equation Editor.