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The General page of the Edit Preferences dialog box allows you to control some of the behaviors of the software.

Auto Save: When the autosave function is selected, a backup of your circuit is created at the time interval specified. The name of the backup file is the same name as your project file but has a ''. bck" suffix. For example, if your project file is '' filter.son ", the backup file is named '' filter ".bck" This file is deleted when exiting the project editor tab, but remains in your directory if your system fails.The default is to perform an autosave every five minutes.

Note: The autosave function is available only for geometry projects.The Netlist editor does NOT have an autosave function.


Show label in toolbars: Select this checkbox if you wish to display the text beneath the buttons on your tool bars. If this checkbox is not selected, no text is displayed in the tool bars. You may turn the text off at any time by using the Window - Toolbars and Panels - Tool Bar Text command. The default is to display the text.


Remain in modes and tools: When Remain in Mode is selected, the project editor will remain in a given mode until you explicitly exit by pressing the ESC key or selecting another mode.

For example, when this option is not set, if you select Insert Port, after you add one port, the project editor will automatically exit the Add Port mode. If this option is set, you will remain in Add Port mode until you press the ESC key or select another mode. The default is to exit the mode after executing a command.

 When this option is not enabled, pressing the shift key while selecting a mode will leave you in the mode until you explicitly exit it.

Show Polygon Handles on Select: Select this checkbox if you wish control points to appear when you select a polygon. These controls allow you to quickly and intuitively resize and reshape your polygons. If you do not wish the handles to appear when a polygon is selected, clear this checkbox. The default is to display the polygon handles.

Lock Local Origin: Select this checkbox if you wish to lock the local origin to your current position and prevent it from being moved.


Auto scroll when mouse is dragged near the edge (2D tab only): When this checkbox is checked, moving your mouse outside the viewable area while in certain modes will activate auto scroll. For example, if you are zoomed up and are drawing a polygon and you move your mouse outside the viewable area, your view will automatically scroll in the direction you moved your mouse.

Mouse Wheel Scrolls Instead of Zoom: By default the middle mouse scroll wheel zooms in and out, but checking this box will make the middle mouse scroll wheel pan up and down.

Significant Digits

Measurements: Enter the number of digits used when displaying sizes and positions of objects in the measurement tool, readout panel, status bar and the length, displayed in dimensions.