Curve Marker Properties dialog box

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The Curve Marker Properties dialog box is opened when you double click on a curve marker or right-click on a curve marker and select "Properties" from the pop-up menu which appears.

Color: Click on this button to select what color you wish to use for data markers. A dialog box will open depending upon your operating system, which will allow you to select a color. This color is used for the data marker symbol, and the label when it is displayed.

Display Default Text: Select this checkbox if you wish to display the default text in the marker. The default text consists of the measurement and project.

Display Parameters: Select this checkbox if you wish to display the parameter values for the curve to which the marker is attached. This checkbox only appears if there are parameters defined in your project and a parameter sweep or optimization was performed. When you select this checkbox, the parameters associated with this curve are displayed.

Custom Text: Select this checkbox if you wish to enter a label in the text entry box to your left and have it displayed as your curve label on your graph.

NOTE At least one of the above check boxes must be selected.