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A side view of a circuit with three 50 mil dielectric layers (A, B, and C) and a 75 mil thick metal polygon on level 2 is shown below. Note that the top of the thick metal only extends halfway through dielectric layer. The top of this thick metal is not visible in the project editor.

Another important thing to note about the modeling of a thick metal which ends in the interior of a dielectric layer is that even though you model the thick metal with 2 sheets, the software actually uses three sheets. The bottom sheet is on level 2 where the polygon originates. The top sheet is in the interior of dielectric layer A. The third sheet is on metal level 1. Whenever a thick metal polygon traverses a metal level, a sheet is added on that level. This adds additional computational time and should be kept in mind when using thick metals which encompass more than one dielectric layer.

If Single Level select is enabled, then you may only select the thick metal polygon on the level where it was drawn.

Thick metal polygons are connected to thin metal polygons by drawing the thin metal polygon on the same level on which the thick metal was drawn and placing the thin metal polygon adjacent to or overlapping the thick metal. This connects the two structures electrically.