FIXED: Sonnet Error EG2120 regarding Sapphire Brick

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When simulating a project, or when estimating memory, Sonnet reports this error:

Sonnet Error EG2120:
Illegal circuit configuration.
The dielectric constant for the "Sapphire" brick type must be greater than 0.0.


The bug occurs when you edit a dielectric layer using the stackup manager panel, and select a dielectric from the dielectric library. Once you do this, several dielectric brick types are added to your project. The problem is that one of those bricks (Sapphire) is incorrectly added and creates an illegal entry.


This bug was fixed in version 17.54.

If you are still using 17.52.2  you may fix your existing project using the following steps:

1) Open the project in the project editor.

2) Select Circuit - Settings.  

3) Click on the Metals/Bricks tab in the left pane.

4) Click on the "Brick dielectrics" tab in the right pane.

5) Scroll down until you see the brick called "Sapphire".

6) Press the Delete button to delete the Sapphire brick.

7) Click OK and save your file.

To prevent this issue when using 17.52.2 use Circuit - Settings, rather than the stackup manager panel to edit a dielectric.