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The Keyboard page of the Edit Preferences dialog box allows you to define keyboard commands for the session tab. The Categories column lists the various menus in the session tab. When you select a category, the Commands section is updated with the contents of that menu. To define a short cut key for a command, you enter the desired key sequence in the Key text entry box for that command. When a command is selected, a brief description is displayed below. If the key combination you enter is already in use by the software, you will receive a warning before the change is applied. You may choose to go ahead with the assignment by clicking on the Remove and Reassign button, or click on the Do Nothing button and no changes are made.

Each type of tab has it's own keyboard assignments, see the Edit - Preferences command in each kind of tab for more information.

To see a list of existing shortcuts, click on the List Assigned Shortcuts button. A window appears listing all assigned keys.

You may export your shortcut keys to another type of tab, user, or computer by clicking on the Export button and saving a shortcut bindings file (.bnd). When you click on the Export button, a browse window is opened which allows you to save the file. You may also import a shortcut bindings file by clicking on the Import button. When you click on the Import button, a browse window appears that allows you to select the desired file. When you click on the Open button in the browse window, the shortcut key definitions are imported and displayed in the Keyboard page.